Issue Position: Tenth Amendment

Issue Position

Date: Sept. 11, 2012

In Texas, we value our liberties, freedoms, the right to make personal choices. We value the freedom of speech, the choice of where and how we want to worship and the right to protect our families by bearing arms. In recent years, especially under the present administration, the federal regime has violated the Constitution to the point of overriding State's rights which are guaranteed by the 10th Amendment. Since Congress is, and has been, ineffective in their job to stop these measures, we as a state must stand strong against this tyranny. We cannot afford to lose our state liberties for they are the reason we prosper on a local level. Texas government must say "no" to the feds and remain firm in our right to govern ourselves. Washington does not know or relate to the issues Texans face as evidenced by our lovely border fence. As a liberty supporter, I stand ready to protect state rights and the Texas way of life.
